Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Word Becomes a Light to Gentiles - Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Bible Class is studying "Acts". Luke wrote this book in chunks neatly organized by summary statements that come up every so often. This Sunday we'll be studying Acts 9:32-12:24, "The Word of the Lord Becomes a Light to the Gentiles". Notable stuff in this section: Peter preaches to a Roman Centurion, Paul and Barnabas set up a church in Syria, Herod gets  a divine beat-down, and we find out what tongue speaking was all about in the early church. Come be in the Word with us this Sunday at 10am. Be sure to read the section ahead of time since we won't be reading through it all in class.

-Pastor Schaller

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Luke 20 - Jesus One, Enemies Zero

1-8 It seems that the religious authorities wanted Jesus to say He was from God. They could make this look bad, though it was true. "Look! He's crazy! He thinks he's from God!" Maybe they could also make Jesus seem dangerous to the Romans with these "incriminating" words from Jesus' mouth. Jesus turns it around on them. He asks them to identify the source of John's baptizing. God was the one who sent John to baptize - so God was the source. If they answered truthfully, they'd be speaking the same "incriminating" words they wanted to pin on Jesus! Not only that, they'd be condemning themselves since they hadn't accepted John's message and baptism. But if they said their real opinion, the "crazy" people would be enraged for they knew John was a prophet of God. The Scribes and elders weren't concerned with the truth, but only with using public opinion to accomplish their goals.

9-18 The prophets of God continually came to God's chosen nation and were rejected. Eventually God sent His Son, who was rejected as well - and murdered (see Matthew 23:29-36). God would soon take the Gospel from the rejecters and offer it to the Gentiles. Concerning Jesus, the Stone which the builders rejected - see Psalm 118:22 and Acts 4:11-12. The last line expresses the invincibility of Christ when attacked, and when He judges on the Last Day. Though rejected by the chosen nation of Israel, the Messiah would ultimately triumph.

19-26 The Jews knew what this coin's inscriptions said . On one side it said, “Tiberius, son of the god Augustus.” On the other, “Pontifex Maximus” (or high priest).See Exodus 20:1-6.Jesus deftly explains that you can honor the pagan emperor because his authority ultimately comes from God, while at the same refusing to give him the honor that belongs to God alone. Pay taxes to Rome, pay worship to God.

27-40 See Jesus' harsh reply in Matthew 22:29. The question was irrelevant because the next world doesn't will be different than this one (see Revelation 21:1 and following). With this one response Jesus slams the Sadducees rejection of angels, spirits and the resurrection. He also points out the source of their pitiful lack of knowledge. The Sadducees were poor theologians because they didn't know the Word of God as authoritative, nor did they believe God to have real power for their lives. Kinda like modern "churches" who dilute the Bible into a contemporary Aesop's fables only meant to teach morality through legends.

41-44 Jesus references Psalm 110:1. Luther says, "Here, as in nowhere else in the Old Testament Scriptures, we find a clear and powerful description of His person-who he is, namely, both David's promised Son according to the flesh and God's eternal Son" (Luther's Works 13:228, Cited by TLSB). The Jewish mind considered the father always of greater authority than the son who came from him. So, how could David's Son be greater than himself? David's Son was also His superior "Lord = Master" because He was also the divine Son of God.

45-47 After silencing His opponents, Jesus openly warns the people hearing Him: Don't be like the Bible scholars - who practiced their religion to gain prestige and authority, not in genuine worship of the true God and author of the Bible. See also Jesus' early warning to the people concerning the religious leaders in Matthew 5:20.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Luke 19 - Mar 4, 2012

Here's the texts and points we discussed today.

1-10 Son of Man came to rescue the lost.
11-27 Be trustworthy with whatever is entrusted you.(1)
28-40 Jesus is the Davidic King of 2 Samuel 7:12-13.(2)
41-44 Jerusalem was destroyed for rejecting the Messiah.(3)
45-48 The Temple was meant to be a spiritual sanctuary.

(1) This parable was used to counter the idea that the time of glory was immanent. (2) Zechariah 9:9. (3) This is the second time Jesus cleansed the Temple. For the cleansing that came at the beginning of Jesus' ministry see John 2:13-16.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Luke 18 - Feb 19, 2012

Here's a few points I found in Luke 18. Share your own. We got through verse 17 this Sunday. We'll continue next Sunday. Join us!

v1-8 Pray continually. Don’t give up on God.
v9-14 God opposes the proud but lifts up the humble.(1)
v15-17 People must receive the Kingdom of God like babies.(2)
v18-27 It is impossible for rich people to enter heaven.(3)
v28-30 Personal sacrifices don’t save a Christian, but they will be rewarded.(4)
v31-34 The suffering, death and resurrection of the Son of Man was foretold in the Old Testament, and pointed to by Jesus.(5)
v35-43 Spiritual and physical healing come through faith in Jesus.(6)

Footnotes: (1) 1 Peter 5:5-7 (2) Babies don’t earn. Everything they get is given to them. (3) Law mirror shows us our sin. It’s also impossible for the poor. God must open heaven and usher us in if we are to enter. (4) Colossians 3:23-24 (5) Psalm 22, Isaiah 53 (6) 2 Samuel 7:12-13 The Son of David = Descendant of David and Ruler of the Eternal Kingdom.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Luke 17

It helps me to crystallize the ideas of a section into one sentence (if possible). Below is what I came up with for Luke 17. We're got about half way through this chapter today. We'll take it up again next Sunday. Join us!

Luke 17

1-3a Death is preferable to causing someone to sin. (1)
3b-4 Rebuke sin. Respond to a change of heart with forgiveness. (2)
5-6 Faith is as powerful as that which it trusts in. (3)
7-9 Don’t expect cake and a party for doing your job. (4)
11-19 The fitting and faithful response to God’s grace is thanks and praise.
20-21 The reign of God begins in the heart.
22-24 Expect no secret return of Jesus – it will be obvious to all.
25 Jesus was rejected by His own generation.
26-30 The return of the Son of Man will be accompanied by destruction.
31-33 Have no regard for “stuff” on the Last Day.
34-36 No outward associations will matter on the last day.(5)

(1)Law. (2)Gospel. (3)Mt. 21:18 Peter asks if seven forgivenesses is enough… (4)In context: Don’t think yourself special for forgiving people. That’s your duty. (5)“Where too, Lord?” If this is the rapture, count me out.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Luke 16

Read Luke chapter 16 and think about the following take-away points this week. Compose a title for this chapter and share it during Bible Class next Sunday. Make the title catchy, and something that reminds you of the the chapter's main point.

Luke 16, Chapter Title__________________________________

1-9 Shrewdly use money to ensure your faith will grow.
10-11 Those irresponsible with earth riches won’t be trusted with heaven riches.*
12-13 Don’t use God to serve money. Use money to serve God.
14-15 What is exalted by man, is an abomination to God. **
16-17 The Gospel doesn’t void God’s law. It re-teaches God’s high standards and the steep price of the sinner’s salvation.
18 In an unscriptural divorce and remarriage, all parties are guilty of adultery.***
19-31 Miracles validate the message, but faith is created by the Word of God.

*This is God using the Law Mirror to shows our desperate need of the Savior!
**The Greek word for “abomination” comes from the idea of turning away from something because of the stench.
*** See Matthew 5:32.