Sunday, January 29, 2012

Luke 16

Read Luke chapter 16 and think about the following take-away points this week. Compose a title for this chapter and share it during Bible Class next Sunday. Make the title catchy, and something that reminds you of the the chapter's main point.

Luke 16, Chapter Title__________________________________

1-9 Shrewdly use money to ensure your faith will grow.
10-11 Those irresponsible with earth riches won’t be trusted with heaven riches.*
12-13 Don’t use God to serve money. Use money to serve God.
14-15 What is exalted by man, is an abomination to God. **
16-17 The Gospel doesn’t void God’s law. It re-teaches God’s high standards and the steep price of the sinner’s salvation.
18 In an unscriptural divorce and remarriage, all parties are guilty of adultery.***
19-31 Miracles validate the message, but faith is created by the Word of God.

*This is God using the Law Mirror to shows our desperate need of the Savior!
**The Greek word for “abomination” comes from the idea of turning away from something because of the stench.
*** See Matthew 5:32.