Friday, January 3, 2014

Ecclesiastes 10 - Jan 5, 2014

Our Bible Study group begins meeting again on Sunday. Here’s a paragraph attempt at summarizing Ecclesiastes chapters 1-9. 

(1-2) All done “under the sun” is temporary, but God enables enjoyment of this temporary life. (3) There are lasting things “behind” what we see “under the sun.” The created world points to a grand Creator, who will settle all accounts in the end. (4) Don’t look for fulfillment in extremes. Laziness and work-a-holism both lead to ruin. (5)  Revere God. Money isn't the meaning of life. God alone can teach you to experience a fulfilling life. (6) In summary to this point… If God doesn't give a person the ability to enjoy what he has under the sun, all is utterly empty “under the sun.” (7) Seek the middle path which avoids extremes. Everyone’s a sinner. The wise aren't really all that wise. (8) Don’t let the prosperous wicked lead you to do evil. Seek the simple path of contentment. But know that the right way doesn't always lead to reward “under the sun.” Even the wisest cannot comprehend why things happen as they do “under the sun.” (9) Fate is not uniform and predictable. Yet living in an unpredictable world is better than being dead. Enjoy life, and go for the gusto! Death is coming…

Solomon has three chapters left to bring us to his ultimate insight on life, it’s meaning, and how to live it. Join us this Sunday in God’s Word. 

10am Bible Class and Sunday School
11am Worship
Un-decorating after worship. 

-Pastor Schaller

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