Saturday, March 15, 2008

Personal Witnessing Strategy - Session 2


Session 2


Preparation is key in sports. No matter what sport you’re interested in preparing for the event is absolutely necessary if you’re going to succeed. The marathon runner has to train his body to maintain a good pace for such a long time. The baseball player needs to prepare his mind for each play so he knows what to do if the ball is hit to him, and what to do if it isn’t. Witnessing is not different. Preparation is absolutely key.

1 Timothy 2:1-6

God wants all people to be saved by coming to know and trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior. If this is really true, and we know it is because it says so in God’s inspired Word, than it must be true that God is working to for this to happen! He is actively preparing people to come to faith. So how does God do this?


First He prepares those who already know Him by building them up in faith in Christ and knowledge of God’s Word. In Sunday worship God repeatedly assures us that it is true, we have been saved from our sins by Christ’s sacrifice. The inheritance of heaven is ours because we are God’s children through faith in God’s Son. Through worship and study together with fellow Christians and alone, we are built up in God’s Word, knowing His grace and His will better.

Secondly God prepares Christians by giving them experiences that can serve as doorways to share the Gospel. Some of these experiences are ones that others have had. Others that don’t yet know Christ as their Great God and Savior. Some of these experiences are ones that other haven’t had.

Thirdly God prepares those who we might share Christ with. God does this in many ways that we never know. The people we talk to about Jesus, or about God, or about worship, or the Bible or any other area of our life in Christ – those people may have already heard about Christ from other Christians. Those people may have been prepared to understand our sharing of Christ by the experiences that we have in common with them. They may be prepared by the experiences we have had, that they haven’t!

When our experiences and the experiences of an unchurched person overlap, there is a potential opportunity to share Jesus with them in some way.


The fact that God prepares things in advance in order to have them happen is undeniable on the basis of God’s Word.

Genesis 37-50

If you study these chapters of Genesis you will see God setting up events in order to bring Israel’s family (including his twelve boys) to Egypt. Through the events that happened to Joseph (sold into slavery, wrongfully accused, imprisoned, interpreting dreams, brought before Pharaoh, raised to second in command over Egypt) his father’s family was brought to Egypt and placed in a rich land where they were safe, well fed, and became a NATION. The nation that God had promised to Israel’s grandfather Abraham. These things didn’t happen by “chance”, unless we define chance as “God’s way of remaining anonymous”.

Proverbs 16:9

Proverbs 16:33

Or think about the event of history that God directed in the life of His Son. The fact that Caesar called for a census might seem like just another act of a high ranking (and unbelieving) Roman ruler. But think about this: Caesar’s call for a census paved the way for Jesus to be born in BETHLEHEM (in accord with prophecy) instead of Nazareth where Mary and Joseph lived. God’s preparation at work.

Or speaking of paving, think about how the huge Roman empire paved roads all over their territories so their messengers could travel freely. Those roads came in awful handy for Paul, apostles and other early Christians to carry the message of sins forgiven through Christ far away from their homelands. God’s preparation at work.

Proverbs 21:1

When we are in the Word, we repeatedly see that God is at work in all the events around us. This truth can help us to relax in our witnessing. Not get lazy, but relax, not stressing out about it but being confident that God will accomplish His will of saving sinners through His power.


Romans 10:14

1 Corinthians 1:21-25

God, in all his wisdom and power has chosen to bring the message of salvation through Christ to unchurched people through the simple message spoken by ordinary Christians. That’s us.

So God prepares us for this event. And we are wise to prepare for this event also. The marathoner runs. The person planning wishing to retire someday saves. And the members of God’s team of Christian witnesses… do what?

“…the way an awful lot of people go about witnessing. They have no idea where to begin, where they are, or where they are going. Allow me to point us in the right direction. Intentionally build relationships with unchurched people. Whether we are talking about living or witnessing, it works best to have a plan. Step 1 of any workable witnessing plan is this: develop friendships with some non-Christians. When we do that, the Lord will do the preparation work to provide the experiences that open the door for sharing our faith” (Gibson 32).


During the time you set aside for prayer, ask the Lord to bring the names of people you know to mind, people that you might share Christ with. 1) Write these names down. Maybe you have a physical prayer list. You might also start a witnessing journal, it can be a very a useful and encouraging tool. 2) Pray for actual chances to share your faith experiences with them. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s wisdom when you speak. Pray and boldness not to pass up the opportunities God give you.


You ain’t the apostle Paul, so limit your major focus to two or three on your list. Don’t stop praying for the others, if the opportunity arises, speak up! But concentrate your care on a few at a time. Mass conversions have happened, but the majority of people come to know Christ in a smaller setting.


Friends listen to what each other say. If your sharing Christ happens in the context of a friendship, chances are the people you witness to will pay attention to what you say instead of just thinking you’re a religious kook trying to claim so brownie points with God by pulling them into a church.

“Here is an important thing to remember: this is not a contrived friendship. I am not building a relationship just so I can share Jesus with him. He is my friend. I like him. I want to spend time with him and have him in my home. And, since I enjoy being with him, I also want him to be with me in heaven” (Gibson 34).


  1. Think back over your life and your experience with Christ. What events have been really important chapters in your life? How did God use these to direct you toward Christ? Which of these stories might be particularly useful to communicate the Good News of Jesus to someone else?

  1. Write down the names of people who you know, who need to know Christ. Pick someone from that list that you want to share Christ with. Pray to God that you might be prepared to do so. Pray to God that you might see the opportunity when it arises. Commit yourself to praying for this person. Remember that God is with you in this, and will flex His power by His Holy Spirit and His mighty Word when the time is right. If you keep a journal you’ll be able to look back at God’s Work later. I wouldn’t be surprised, if His preparation becomes clear in unique and powerful ways.

Referenced: “Out of the Bleachers and Onto the Field” by Michael E. Gibson

-Pastor Caleb Schaller

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