Sunday, February 5, 2012

Luke 17

It helps me to crystallize the ideas of a section into one sentence (if possible). Below is what I came up with for Luke 17. We're got about half way through this chapter today. We'll take it up again next Sunday. Join us!

Luke 17

1-3a Death is preferable to causing someone to sin. (1)
3b-4 Rebuke sin. Respond to a change of heart with forgiveness. (2)
5-6 Faith is as powerful as that which it trusts in. (3)
7-9 Don’t expect cake and a party for doing your job. (4)
11-19 The fitting and faithful response to God’s grace is thanks and praise.
20-21 The reign of God begins in the heart.
22-24 Expect no secret return of Jesus – it will be obvious to all.
25 Jesus was rejected by His own generation.
26-30 The return of the Son of Man will be accompanied by destruction.
31-33 Have no regard for “stuff” on the Last Day.
34-36 No outward associations will matter on the last day.(5)

(1)Law. (2)Gospel. (3)Mt. 21:18 Peter asks if seven forgivenesses is enough… (4)In context: Don’t think yourself special for forgiving people. That’s your duty. (5)“Where too, Lord?” If this is the rapture, count me out.

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