Sunday, February 19, 2012

Luke 18 - Feb 19, 2012

Here's a few points I found in Luke 18. Share your own. We got through verse 17 this Sunday. We'll continue next Sunday. Join us!

v1-8 Pray continually. Don’t give up on God.
v9-14 God opposes the proud but lifts up the humble.(1)
v15-17 People must receive the Kingdom of God like babies.(2)
v18-27 It is impossible for rich people to enter heaven.(3)
v28-30 Personal sacrifices don’t save a Christian, but they will be rewarded.(4)
v31-34 The suffering, death and resurrection of the Son of Man was foretold in the Old Testament, and pointed to by Jesus.(5)
v35-43 Spiritual and physical healing come through faith in Jesus.(6)

Footnotes: (1) 1 Peter 5:5-7 (2) Babies don’t earn. Everything they get is given to them. (3) Law mirror shows us our sin. It’s also impossible for the poor. God must open heaven and usher us in if we are to enter. (4) Colossians 3:23-24 (5) Psalm 22, Isaiah 53 (6) 2 Samuel 7:12-13 The Son of David = Descendant of David and Ruler of the Eternal Kingdom.

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